June 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Jun 1 00:01:07 UTC 2007
Ending: Sat Jun 30 23:50:28 UTC 2007
Messages: 2286
- Rename external HD
Mario Vukelic
- Little help with dvd::rip
Wade Smart
- eth0 does not get an IP-address from DHCP anymore
- speaker/volume Problem
Paul Kaplan
- VI vs EMACS (was Re: Repair Grub Files?)
Derek Broughton
- Oops! (Re: Repair Grub Files?)
Erik Christiansen
- Repair Grub Files?
Derek Broughton
- Connecting to MySQL using Open Office Base via ODBC...
- Info regarding Ubuntu
Robin_Sharma at Dell.com
- Intel/PROSet Wireless on Asus W3V Laptop Problem
James Bond
- Feisty doesn't install on old Sony Vaio PCG-Z505HE
Gilles Gravier
- Iptables Question
Waqas Toor
- lomount frustration
Eric S. Johansson
- "Cannot set locale to" problem
Munip Ober
- DVD Playback
Luca Dionisi
- IMAP-Client with different check times
Carsten Aulbert (list)
- New Motherboard PM9MS
Dave M
- Gutsy and unauthorized updates?
Andreas Schildbach
- How do I start solving this "FontSet" problem?
Santanu Chatterjee
- Using Thunderbird to Pull same e-mail from two PCs.
- CHM Viewer fonts look tiny
Soner Tari
- Hardware hackers rejoice!
Gabriel Dragffy
- Change default window manager
Milos Prudek
- Login again and again... but neve stop...
- LANG variable and language switching
Milos Prudek
Galen Dangler
- meaning of 'suspend'
- problem compiling software with ipw2200 ieee80211
- Network Interfaces take a while
Anthony M Simonelli
- system crashes after installation (Int 14: CR2 c100000 ......)
santro mys
- free form database?
- Feisty will not shutdown, reboots instead
Carl Drud
- How do I get LinuxThreads
Santanu Chatterjee
- GraphiteOne: CAD s/w: Dependency issue
- File Browser with ROOT permissions
Jan Sneep
- KMail Crashing Repeatedly and now Won't Open!
Amichai Rotman
- How to find out what packages are available?
Jan Sneep
- labeling usb drives (xfs)
Ben Edwards
- Samba deamon (smbd) dies, nmdb keeps running
- automount
- Looking for a script please (I think)
Bob Adams
- lexmark z53 prints colors light
Adam Lafayette
- Stage6 DIVX Streams on Feisty
Tony Brezovski
- Triple boot laptop
Pete Holsberg
- FireFox driving me NUTS !!!
Jan Sneep
- Suspend - resume problem
Patton Echols
- bash query
dave selby
- Performing selective mail merge in Writer
Gabriel Dragffy
- Recovery of grub in ubuntu 7.04
Sauro Cesaretti
- democracyplayer problems
- dvd authoring
- Latest kernel update
R Kimber
- change window manager started from text mode
Milos Prudek
- Deleting old /boot files
Alex Janssen
- Ubuntu-desktop defaults
Thilo Six
- VMware Server : recently stopped working on Feisty
Vincent Trouilliez
- GRUB boot floppy
- Is Nvu any good ?
Jim Richardson
- Ubuntu and Perl
- dbootstrap: does not work: sysvinit and dpkg broken?
Jan Torben Heuer
- latitude d620 resolution 1280x800
Ivan Arteaga
- Gutsy updated tonight -- Compiz busted -- gtk-window-decorator[5555]: GSlice: g_thread_init() must be called before all other GLib functions;
Miles Lane
- atftpd doesn't understand backslashes
- Upgrades?
Knute Johnson
- Starting applications at boot
Dick Dowdell
- Recovery of grub in ubuntu
Sauro Cesaretti
- test:please confirm if you receive the message
Sauro Cesaretti
- Avoiding forced shutdown from non-functioning system
- apache2 and .htaccess
Michael Satterwhite
- Time
- vmware player and USB devices
Lorenzo Taylor
- Opinions learning Ubuntu/Kubuntu
- Shift + Keypad Cursor keys
Matthew Clarke
- Feisty: All kinds of bluetooth woes (mouse, headset)
David Abrahams
- Incomprehensible Volume Control
David Abrahams
- toutchpad slidder went away in Feisty
Carl Karsten
- In the spirit of learning Linux, especially (but not just) Ubuntu...
Cybe R. Wizard
- apt-cacher on a roaming laptop
Carl Karsten
- Newbie is unable to install Ubuntu 6.06 LTS from DVD
Joseph Bus
- Changes to Ubuntu User Guide
Arnold Pietersen
- install without cdrom
Kamal Paryani
- another synaptic is running
Kamal Paryani
- application packaging
Wenzhuo Zhang
- Help me.........
mirza lex
- Laptop CPU Fan and ACPI
Andrew Syrewicze
- Sory
mirza lex
- Console applications
Sauro Cesaretti
- eth0 or eth1? Not a problem but a puzzlement
Cybe R. Wizard
- Oo on 7.04
- Linux Compatible PDA
Andrew Syrewicze
- The/Space/key/does/not/work
Matthew Voss
- can't log in
Robert Schlueter
- Keyboard Layouts
Zatlite Minthar
- problem Installing GUI in Ubuntu server 7.04
Twaha Daudi
- firefox + java issues?
Kristian Rink
- Ubuntu server
Ian Mar
- Logwatch: how to suppress the exim section?
Adam Funk
- Weird characters in the linux consoles and lines not drawn correctly
Chris Lemire
- Sending signals to running firefox
Dieter Schicker
- System -> Administration -> Disks
Kamal Paryani
- Grub issues
lpiron at optonline.net
- SOLVED: atftpd doesn't build from source
- ebook reader ?
dave selby
- Iomega NAS Box
Ryan Nichols
- CERC ATA100/4Ch fakeRAID in Ubuntu
Édouard Gilbert
- Can update cause memory overloaded?
Hai Dao Le
- looking for emulator
James Takac
- 4 times no match md5sum Xubuntu Alternate CD
- Help
rdrreed at cox.net
- Help
- Help
Peter Garrett
- Help
Matthew Flaschen
- Help
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- Help
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- Help
Peter Garrett
- Help
Eberhard Roloff
- Help
rdrreed at cox.net
- Help
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- Help
rdrreed at cox.net
- Users $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored
Cliff Hall
- Ndiswrapper will not survive reboot
Alex Janssen
- Installing Lipri and bison for asterisk
deqh at yahoo.com
- GNOME: disable Look-And-Feel for Java?
Kristian Rink
- Users and groups applet messed up
Darryl LeCount
- Change font color in OpenOffice toolbar
- Suspect to FIrefox Crash
- Mint and wireless networking
Pete Holsberg
- Ubuntu + Beryl on new macbook pro
Steve Finkelstein
- had to reboot - kernel bug?
Felipe Figueiredo
- Amarok crashes when "populating playlist"
J Nash
- Alternate CD For Feisty Fawn
Leonard Chatagnier
- preferred applications
Sean Sieger
- 3-D desktop
Matthew Voss
- GLX Problem
Jim Smith
- "Framebuffer Console"
Shawn McCuan
- low volume on mic on Intel mobo
Felipe Figueiredo
- GLX Problem -- Solved!
Jim Smith
- Respins for newer hardware
Carsten Aulbert (list)
- VERY Slow to start up when no network
- Setting wine (windows) path
Ben Edwards
- hardware install
Robert Schlueter
- filing system
- Run script on thumb drive insertion?
Neil Cherry
- Simple "About this computer" utility?
David Stubblebine
- Problem setting up ltsp server
- Bootable CD ROM Bigger Than 2.88MB?
Kenneth Loafman
- CD-RW drive not detected
Christoph Bier
- Network manager acting up (no WPA)
Danny Colligan
- Network manager acting up (no WPA) -- SOLVED
Danny Colligan
- Xubuntu 7.04 - system-wide Proxy settings - where?
David Stubblebine
- Broken Repositories And Things
Leonard Chatagnier
- FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia
Milos Prudek
- Tomcat
rpowersau at gmail.com
- how long will i get free CDs from Ubuntu?
- Restarting USB?
Dave M
- Debug mode for running scripts?
Jan Sneep
- Kubuntu Documation
- Compiz in Kubuntu (Beryl)
- Kubuntu Documentation
- Broken links
- Gnome System Log crashes after kernel update
Lucio M Nicolosi
- Problem with xserver-xorg-video-intel
Michael Stanziano
- Dapper: Downgrade libc6-2.4-i686 to 2.3-i686
Denny Schierz
- ubuntu Doesn't boot with GF2
James Smith
- cinepaint doesn't print
- beryl & ati x1600
Luca Ferrari
- kmail and keyboard too slow - kubuntu 7.04
Luca Ferrari
- Why does OpenOffice.org suck worse than MS Office?
Michael T. Richter
- start-up
- Syncing files on a home network
Cliff Hall
- vmware blues
- latest kernal upgrade borked nvidia driver
Cybe R. Wizard
- Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn-R.Donahue
- Contentlink
- tidy as php extension
OOzy Pal
- Emacs and accented letters
Alain Muls
- ipkungfu-0.5.1 and ping configuration
- Sharing Bookmarks etc between 2 OS's
Ed Smits
- Installing Touchpad in Feisty Fawn
Donald Metheny
- Installing Touchpad in Fiesty Fawn
- Ultima actualitzacio del kernel
Walter Garcia-Fontes
- gEdit - select blocks of text?
Jim Richardson
- New monitor only displays 800x600
Jamie Kerwick
- Kernel upgrade: /dev/hd* changed back to /dev/sd*, why?
Adam Funk
- Monitor switch key (Fn+F7) doesn't work
Hai Dao Le
- Adding speech engine to KDE
Dotan Cohen
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Peter Garrett
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Peter Garrett
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Nils Kassube
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Bruce Marshall
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- GNOME and Edgy help please
Ray Paradise
- GNOME and Edgy help please
Ray Paradise
- GNOME and Edgy help please
Adric Mitchell
- GNOME and Edgy help please
Davide Corio
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
Alex Mauer
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
tyler.roach at bluebottle.com
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Again, GRUB boot floppy
- Email Server/Router for slow link or multiple slow links to the internet.
Kipton Moravec
- Help with Cyrus
Jan Sneep
- Dealing with Switzerland keyboard
- Where does the update manager log distribution upgrades?
Adam Funk
- HELP Ubuntu server install
Kit Goins
- No subject
Gabriela Marin
- problem with dpkg-divert installing nvidia-glx
Paul S
- ipkungfu logging not working
- emacs font problem
Alain Muls
- Correct way to use an older version of a package in Ubuntu?
Adam Funk
- emacs encoding problem
Alain Muls
- usb-sata disk spinning
Davide Corio
- Calendar and appontments without Evolution
Toby Kelsey
- dhcp on edgy
- DHCP - KUBUNTU 7.04`
- Skype telephone giveaway- but not for Linux users
Dotan Cohen
- Power saving for desktop pcs
- 7026-580
Jack Collier
- HAL not starting
- Problem with Wireless Redirect Authentication
King, Lance E.
- Dualbooting between FC7 & Feisty (was Sharing Bookmarks etc between 2 OS's )
Ed Smits
- Feisty - problem seeing a new version of a package
Loïc Martin
- Upgrade from Redhat 7.2 to Ubuntu?
Justin Hart
- NetworkManager not connecting automatically
Alex Janssen
- Firefox to slow for me
Dennis Mouille
- Autopsy
Zaki Akhmad
- USB Wifi: Dlink or LinkSys?
- can not edit content in joomla.
Shrinivasan T
- AMD 64 Dual Core only using one Core (was Re: Going from i386 AMD 64 Dual Core)
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- 2.6.17 kernel, EVMS, can't mount /home and /var.
Adam Funk
- Odd OSS/ALSA issues from Edgy->Feisty upgraded system
Matthew Carpenter
- Apache2 Domain Name Error
Jan Sneep
- Simple programming language anyone?
Ricardo C O Freitas
- Feisty and ping
- Graphics card reconfiguration
Michael Satterwhite
- Pretty text editor for Ubuntu
- Live CD/Partitioning ?
Leonard Chatagnier
Chabib MhD
- Emacs: how to venvert documents to UTF-8 codepage
Alain Muls
- kdesvn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
Jan Torben Heuer
- You got me all wrong! ; -) => Re: Simple programming
Jacob Walch
- off:patent deals ?
- messed var directory
Sven Richter
- Help! Install of v6.06 LTS Crashes after Language Selection
glcarter at comcast.net
- Feisty Scribus Repos
- SUCCESS!!!! eGroupware with Dovecot
Jan Sneep
- LogitechV20 USB Speakers
Dae Won Ron Conrad
- Amarok database
- Internet on Ubuntu 7.04 turion 64-bit
David VandeBunte
- Centralized Address App
Wade Smart
- must broadcast network name to connect
Default User
- Computer become very slow if left on.
Zatlite Minthar
- Cant dial out with kubuntu
debiani386 at gmail.com
- Can not download / Install any add-ons and theme for FireFox
Qiuli Han
- Dapper: Hal files 'stuck'
Brian Fahrlander
- cmos battery
- Web Server
Adric Mitchell
- Windows + VM licenses
Ed Smits
- AMD deciding _now_ what to do about Linux
Dotan Cohen
- Personal Journal Suggestion
Amichai Rotman
- Installing Ubuntu from floppy + network
Liam Proven
- Microphone/Recording Issues (Where do I start?)
Rob Munda
- Postfix
- Adding fonts to Feisty
Ed Smits
- unable to unmount volume
James Takac
- [Media] Shuttleworth urges Linux patch and bug collaboration
- help to install
hananiasq at juno.com
- Help with Scanace 1236p and Ubuntu 7.04
Scott Ehrlich
- Syba USB to Parallel Port Adapter workable?
Scott Ehrlich
- ntp support installation
Default User
- ubutnu's efforts to improve linux desktop ??
ashwin kesavan iyengar
- Restrict access to Internet
Amit Patel
- Procmail help?
Scott Lockwood
- OpenGL headers installed?
Mike Adolf
- mesa 6.5.3 in feisty
- Virtual Desktop changes when you move the mouse
Wade Smart
- disk temp monitoring - critical temperature reached
- Resoring /etc/fstab
SteVe Cook
- Browsers Availability?
Leonard Chatagnier
- 7.04 - More than 16 partitions?
Hermann J. Beckers
- how to access LVM's from another system?
Default User
- how to move email to new system
Default User
- Update problem...
Larry Shields
- Samba AD Authentication Issue
Matt Magin
- wine and msi's
James Takac
- insert image in kmail
Shrinivasan T
- cant connect to the internet on Kubuntu
- appending images at the end of e-mails
Luca Ferrari
- ubuntu 7.04 on Laptop Acer 3680
Prasetyo, Eko
- Skype and Dapper
Patrick Drechsler
- including self-made libraries
Bram Kuijper
- downgrade libvte9
Yuelin Li
- <sigh> Confised Again!
Pete Holsberg
- Disabling Freetype's bytecode interpreter in Feisty
- par2 files ?
- manuall package installation via dpkg
- Printing in Ubuntu 7.04
Jury Levykin
- Reading a DVD-RW (VR mode) from a freestanding DVD recorder?
Adam Funk
- Setting permissions on a new partition
Ed Smits
- ndiswrapper is on a thumb drive..now what?
Pete Holsberg
- mp3 codec for totem
- "--Rick Donahue--Failed to initialize HAL"
- Wireless device appears to be configured properly but I cannot ping my router!
Pete Holsberg
- Ubuntu Studio?
Amichai Rotman
- Smart link Modem Installation on ubuntu
hasan noori
- help me on pootle
Shrinivasan T
- I broke Firefox :-(
- Automatic recover Grub
SteVe Cook
- Borrowing Computing Power
- Dealing with problems on ubuntu
SteVe Cook
- USB floppy drive- feasible in UBUNTU?
- Printing from Win4lin VDS
Paul Thompson
- USB Floppy in UBUNTU
- Openswan patch won't apply
Rick Knight
- ubuntu 7.04 install (alternate CD) on HP XE744
- Trouble with Synaptic
Donald Metheny
- pidgin-OTR-2.0.2
- Gutsy and renumbered network interfaces?
Andreas Schildbach
- snmpd problems with Feisty Fawn
Hennie Rautenbach
- Can't play music CD
Felix Miata
- Like to start up at tty console instead of X windows
Richard E Miles
- Problem with user management
Darryl LeCount
- Browser flash issues
Luis Rodrigues
- Fest Fawn - IP settings and some other things
dave L
- set vlc as default
- thanks
- Unable to write to home dir at times.
- MusicMatch Jukebox-like mp3 player...
Dave Woyciesjes
- Controlling web server (apache2) using Virtualmin or VHCS2
Eric Dunbar
- dhcp revisited...
- Scripting Apt-Get (pop-up screens, e.g. with kernel updates)
Michael Matthews
- NFS perms problem
Randall J. Parr
- Printer Not Recognized-Can't Install
Leonard Chatagnier
- [Fwd: Re: Trouble with Synaptic]
Matthew Flaschen
- Installing Ubuntu
- Dell Laptops
Pete Holsberg
- getting into console mode (run level)
Dave Roe
- Monodevelop
(``-_-´´) -- Fernando
- Initrd too big
Rick Knight
- Update manager & Synaptic problems...
Larry Shields
- Alter display directory information and contents
Wade Smart
- Wireless card for Feisty
David Stubblebine
- How do I start kbuntu on a ubuntu system
Richard E Miles
- minimum "/" partition size
Default User
- suggestions for alternative to firefox
Brandon Blackwell
- Cannot load/mount CDRom Drive
- ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 189
Rob Munda
- Ubuntu 6.10 hangs on install
- Feisty server + Leadtek Winfast A360 video card = X server failure
William Neal
- Community Council meeting June 26th, 13-15 UTC
Daniel Holbach
- kmail & spamassasin
Luca Ferrari
- Microsoft Exchange Server replacement Project
Braun, Martin
- keyboard error press any key
SteVe Cook
- Matrox G550 in Feisty
Thomas Findlay
- Desktop Activation
Lars Ewell
- About package managers and depends & suggests
Larry Alkoff
- Opera Browser not Friendly To Old EYes
Leonard Chatagnier
- webcam
gene french
- Ubuntu on Thinkpad
Zaki Akhmad
- install not working on Acer TravelMate 6292
Kristian Frisk
- JPilot and Treo - not working
Florin Andrei
- Minimal Backup of /home?
Dave M
- Amarok under Gnome: Revisited
Amichai Rotman
- problem after installing installing 7.04 feisty
umair ubuntu
- plz plz help installation failed ubuntu 7.04
umair ubuntu
- Network install
Fajar Priyanto
- USB device is busy
R Kimber
- My java netbank crashes firefox. Help wanted.
Niels L. Ellegaard
- Fwd: Re: Opera Browser not Friendly To Old EYes
Leonard Chatagnier
- swap error
Jim Smith
- problem connecting to internet
umair ubuntu
- mouse actions in console tty1
Richard E Miles
- need help with ubunto installation
Alan Angel
- High power USB WiFi Adapter
Dave M
- Changing the resolution of a virtual terminal
Pete Holsberg
- Upgrade authentication
Bart Silverstrim
- Stopping disk automounting for one disk
Cameron Hutchison
- skype on 64 bit
- which package is by default with 7.04 gcc 0r gcc 3.4 or etc
umair ubuntu
- newbie problem - booting from cd
Ravi Vishnu
- Mouse and Virtual Terminal in Ubuntu and Kubuntu
Pete Holsberg
- Difficulty installing Feisty Fawn
Martin Thomas
- samsung ml-2510 driver issues; clean install
- Upgrade went wrong to box using lvm
Ben Edwards
- PCMIA Wireless Card won't Connect to Internet
Donald Metheny
- Alternate CD iso for v4.07 Ubuntu corrupt
Tom Palaskas
- xen, Ubuntu and adp94xx
David Koski
- lvm gui
Eric S. Johansson
- flash memory
- cron job issues
Devraj Mukherjee
- Permanent problems with fonts especially on Ubuntu
Roland Turcan
- GPM Dummy Question
Leonard Chatagnier
- Remote root ssh
fletcher johnson
- Not recording
- loading GLX module pointing to wrong path?
William Stephens
- kubuntu 7.04 & Evolution 2.10.1
- Ext2/3 Filesystem Abstraction Layer
Dieter Schicker
- Kubuntu 7.04 & Evo 2.10.1 (update)
- ID3 Tag editing in Rhythmbox
Ben Edwards
- Help with RAID-1 sofware mirror?
David Vincent
- Multiple Video Cards and Monitors - Dapper
Brian McKee
- kdenetwork and network scan
Luca Ferrari
- How to capture video from TV card
Steven Pasternak
- power button placement
James Takac
- about anti-spam for enterprise
Luca Ferrari
- amharic/OpenOffice.org
dima monsky
- How can I "ignore"a dying hard drive?
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- Mac mini media center
Emil Edeholt
- wlan problem because of "dhcdbd"
Luqman Munawar
- errr
- Using a gutsy kernel on feisty?
Adam Funk
- Kubuntu 7.04 and evo 2.10
John Dangler
- Kubuntu 7.04 and Oo2.2
- Keeping Fonts Separate
Wade Smart
- vmware install problem
Oscar Veloz
- Virus Scanner
Matthew Voss
- Intel 82946GZ/GL video chip
Damien Hull
- system wide http proxy settings
grep at westnet.com.au
- usb external hard drive won't automount
Default User
- Laser ML-2510
- How I "fixed" my laptop Alps touchpad
Default User
- ok
- Using the Konsole - by a complete Linux newbie!
Madeleine Rollason
- USB Flash Drives Disappeared
- drupal-5.1_5.1-0ubuntu2_all.deb bug
Jose Manuel
- problem booting from Feisty LiveCD over NFS
Boris Bartzitz
- [OT] Microsoft Alumni Network's Logo
Davide Corio
- MOTD at SSH Login?
Amichai Rotman
- failed md5sum on gutsy aily
(``-_-´´) -- Fernando
- DNS proxy and filter
Bart Silverstrim
- Feisty RAID
Oscar Veloz
- creating iptables script or package
- port-knocker script and/or package recommendation
- PATH question
R Kimber
- dpkg-reconfigure dovecot-common can't regenerate ssl certs
Wolfgang Pauli
- hosts deny in smb.conf query
dave selby
- Feisty Fawn Installation Problems
Mike Adolf
- Flash and Firefox
Matthew Clarke
- amarok in ubuntu (with keyboard multimedia buttons)
Felipe Figueiredo
- wireless mouse doesn't work
Felipe Figueiredo
- samba permissions mystery ?
dave selby
- problem installing gparted
Jimmy Wu
- Clone a hard drive?
Dave M
- How to open Micrsoft's so-called Open XML Format
Anthony M Simonelli
Stephen Miraglia
- Homa Multimedia
Cesar Augusto Suarez
- mailscann and japanese filename on attachement
Tomoki Taniguchi
- Acrobat Reader can't find Arial font
Florin Andrei
- Using Konsole - by a complete newbie -Update
Madeleine Rollason
- Sleep Mode
David Mineer
- 3Ware 9500 and only 200GB?
- Install Ubunutu on top of CentOS 4.5? Upgrade...
Dave Woyciesjes
- Change default app for DVD playback
Craig Hagerman
- google desktop out for linux?
- users-admin not showing all users in Feisty...
Dave Woyciesjes
- how to hide dot-files in Open/Save/Save As windows?
Felipe Figueiredo
- Mozilla Sunbird package?
Florin Andrei
- Homa Multimedia (JD)
Cesar Augusto Suarez
- Fwd: Fn key on MacBook Pro
J. Pablo Fernández
- wvdial and gnome-ppp both stopped working
umair ubuntu
- Firefox Can't Stream Music on Sirius.com
Donald iddings
- Feisty install No Joy
- How to capture ...
Pete Holsberg
- Suspend Immediately after Hibernating
David Berg
- wifi powers off
B14 SR20DE
- vmware-server and multiple network interfaces
Tomoki Taniguchi
- APM and ACPI on sony Vaio Z600LEK laptop
- Pavilion dv 9310
Dan Gheorghe
- mpg video problem
pkaplan1 at comcast.net
- Open nautilus or konqueror from within Firefox
Brian McKee
- About at the end of my tether with my webcam
Darryl LeCount
- Intel D102ggc + Ubuntu ?
Eduardo J. Vega Arguedas
- Intel D102ggc + Ubuntu 7.04
Eduardo J. Vega Arguedas
- Printing to PDF
Patton Echols
- NoMachine NX Server not working Mepis 6.5
Hex Star
- ubuntu samba, windows network - username password issues
Jimmy Wu
- X Off
- How to install Beryl in my Dapper Drake?
Muhammad Rijalul Fikri
- More mileage from an ancient machine
Peter N Spotts
- Permission issues with CD-ROM
Darryl LeCount
- Fwd: Random automatic clikcs on a MacBook Pro
J. Pablo Fernández
- command line help
Robert Schlueter
- MP3 Question
- Any disadvantage to using 6.06LTS for a VMware server?
- Ubuntu Hug Day: 05 July 2007
Brian Murray
- Wireless Problems
Mike Adolf
- How can I contribute?
Gene Lapointe
- Wireless Woes U7.04 and D-Lnk WDA-1320
Pete Holsberg
- Regular Express
OOzy Pal
- santa rosa macbook pro in feisty/gutsy
Brian Barnes
- NVU ?
Alex Janssen
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 23:50:28 UTC 2007
Archived on: Thu Oct 13 18:42:00 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).